Pediatric Hearing in Lubbock

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDOCD), about 2 to 3 out of every 1,000 children in America are born with hearing loss in either one or both ears.

That being said, if you noticed that your child:

  • Often speaks loudly
  • Doesn’t answer right away when you call them
  • Only responds when facing you
  • Has delayed response
  • Always turn the volume up when watching videos or listening to music
YouTube video player

Those can be telltale signs your child has hearing loss. The only way to confirm it is by taking them to an audiologist and have them undergo a pediatric hearing evaluation.


At Hearing Doctor, we understand that learning and accepting that your child has hearing loss isn’t easy and can be overwhelming, especially if you’re a first-time parent. However, you must understand that a proper pediatric hearing evaluation and early detection will be beneficial for your child’s growth and development.

After a thorough screening and arriving at a conclusion that your child does have hearing loss and/or other auditory problems, an audiologist that practices pediatric hearing in Lubbock will provide proper treatments and interventions. They will likely recommend hearing aids for your child to wear. At hearing Doctor, we have an array of high-quality hearing aid styles that will suit your child’s needs.

Apart from that, they may also refer your child to the following:

  • Speech and Language Pathologist / Therapist
  • Sign Language Teacher and Interpreter
  • Occupational Therapist

Like getting a pediatric hearing evaluation, meeting with these specialists will also play an important role in your child’s development, especially in their communication skills. For instance, if your child’s hearing loss is totally preventing them from talking or hearing other people, then the best possible way they can communicate is through learning sign language.

Turn to a Hearing Doctor Today

If you notice that your child is showing symptoms of Auditory Processing Disorder, take them to an audiologist that can perform a pediatric hearing evaluation right away. At Hearing Doctor, we have a resident audiologist that can accommodate patients from Monday to Thursday 8 AM to 5 PM and every Friday from 8 AM to 3 PM. So what are you waiting for? Set an appointment today. We offer a free consultation.

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